Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Google Workspace the same as the personal (free) version of Gmail and Google Calendar?

They’re similar, but we'll be using the Google for Education edition of Google Workspace.

Will my email address change?

NO. Your email address won't change! You will continue to receive all your emails at your current address even in Google Workspace.

Are you migrating my email and calendar to Google Workspace?

Yes, we'll migrate all of your email messages to Google Workspace during non-business hours, so they'll be ready for you when you sign in to your new Google Workspace account. If you would like to have more data migrated, reach out to the IT Team.

Do I need to do anything after I get my Google Workspace?

You will just need to complete a few simple tasks such as signing into the Gmail web interface, accepting the terms and conditions, and proceeding the normal way. If you would like to add /access your school email over Mobile, Go to Access Mobile to see the steps.

Will the IT department provide assistance during the transition?

To get you up to speed quickly, we'll provide plenty of documentation and training resources in this intranet. There are other online resources made available as well. Members of the IT team as well as the Google Partner will be onsite for a few days to provide awareness on a date to be communicated. You can also visit the Google Workspace Learning Center for guides, tips, and examples of how to make the most of your new services.

How much time will it take to set up and learn how to use Google Workspace?

You'll be able to master the basics, like sending and receiving emails and viewing and scheduling meetings, very quickly. It may take more time to really learn to make the most of your new services, depending on how you currently use Outlook. For example, for a typical email and calendar migration, expect to spend a few hours over the course of a week or so to take the training, review documentation, and set up your services. If you also access email on a mobile device, plan on spending a bit more time.

Will I be able to access my Email on Outlook?

YES. For users who would want to keep using MS Outlook, they can keep doing so. They will just need to make changes to their MS Outlook mail settings. This Access with Outlook Page

Will I be able to access my Email on the Web?

YES. In fact, the web access of your new school email will give you the best user experience. You will also be able to make use of the full Google Workspace capabilities such as:

  • Gmail Best/rich features, with Offline Support.

  • Email Auto-Complete

  • Video Conferences/Calls/Chats

  • Calendar with SMS Notifications, where Mobile Number has been set

  • Google Drive Storage and Access your files anywhere from any device.

  • Access Google File Stream and Access With Offline Support

You can learn more about all these tools/resources on the Self Training Portal at: